Sunday, 8 December 2019

Beta Meta Shmeta

My character about to fall into the void

My character jumping

My character standing

Heya Huns,

So I now have a semi-decent game that does not have any bugs (thankfully). I took the executive decision to abandon the points system as it just caused more problems than it resolved and I'm at peace with that. I have gone almost completely off topic from my game design document as I now realise it was way too ambitious for a first time user of Unity.

Since my last update my game now has a skybox, audio and a longer run of platforms. I had hoped to have more by this stage but on Friday I reopened Unity to the pleasure of it have not saving any of my previous progression so another game of catch up was done.

Overall I'm a little bit proud that I actually produced something in the realms of a functioning game.

Roll on Christmas,


Thursday, 5 December 2019

Unity Free Tutorial

My error when trying to play with my scoring script

Heya Huns,

So today I kicked myself up the behind and got cracking with my game. I was actually enjoying it up until a point where my script for creating a rising score did not work. I think it's something to do with contradicting script in the unity chan asset I downloaded, but in all honesty at this stage of the evening I could not be arsed figuring it out for certain.

My game is now past the point of a handful of platforms to now a whopping several! (exciting I know, but you'll have to calm yourself). I have learned to not follow unity tutorials from 7 years ago as well as avoiding anyone with an accent as it's already difficult to understand without a language barrier.

I now have rotating coins that disappear once collided with, and a beautiful set of white walls on the edges of my platforms. I need to figure out how to fix my problems with the displaying of the score as it is required for my game to actually have value.

Overall progress is being made and my game has not deleted like some other students who were further along than me have.

Feeling blessed, stressed and a tad depressed,

your love, your light,

James x.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Game Testing

Image result for criticism
me looking at these blogs - source

Heya Huns,

This week we were reading up on giving criticism. In the readings it says to be neutral when giving your criticism in order to stay constructive. This ensures that the person being criticised can benefit from your feedback and not feel as if they are being attacked for their ideas.

Your feedback needs to be unbiased and free of any outer opinions of the person (just focus on the work at hand). Your feedback should be to the point, clear and relevant to the work. If you stick to this (although it may not actually be implemented by the person) then you will become better at giving constructive criticism without causing offence.