Thursday, 3 October 2019

Unity Tutorial 01

screenshot from Johnny Vegas' tutorial - source

It was hard to get a hand of how to use Unity, even with the tutorials as it is completely unfamiliar to me. The first video was a bit easier to grasp, but once the second one began I found myself getting lost or being in a complete state of confusion. Applying the texture was not the hard part, but editing the sizes of the tiles took me a while to understand.

It took longer than expected to get through the tutorials as things like details and adding grass caused a bit of stress for me when it did not work, so a break was needed. Scripts made nearly no sense to me so I will not comment on that section of the tutorial. I will revisit these tutorials again so I can improve on the parts which caused problems.

Overall I'm not fully confident but I definitely have a better understanding of how Unity works as well as a little (emphasis on little) bit of an understanding on how to use it. I fear I may struggle in this module as it's something that is completely out of my own comfort zone and seems alien to my way of thinking.

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