Thursday, 13 February 2020

Reading 3

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I found this image from searching 'scholar' - source

Welcome back to my blog,

I have been using Google Scholar to research into my two subtopics - Game Design Documents and The Structure of a Game. Below are the beginnings of my findings:

Game Design Documents

sources used in this research:

A game design document is the blueprints or plans for all elements of your game, it can (and most likely will) change and evolve as you finetune your game concept. It should include:

  • The name of your game
  • Copyright information
  • What version of the game it is, including the author and date of publication.
As for the actual information on your game, the document should include a detailed account of the game's storyline, the mechanics, artistic style, level design, audio, obstacles and rewards. Your document should be detailed enough that if it were handed to another person, they could go ahead and develop your game without having to re-consult you.

The Structure of a Game

sources used in this research:

  • Rules - the guidelines of what the user needs to achieve to get from A to B.
  • Narrative - the storyline that drives the game forward.
  • Interactivity - can your character interact with other characters?
  • Space - the environment in which your game is set / the world around the player.
Based on the second reading, I have learned that the concept art for a videogame is the most real version of the game in it's earliest stages, it is used as a reference point to look back on. It may deviate from the original but it is completely necessary to progress and evolve in your game design and development. Concept art is used throughout the game's development to visualise what is being done in 1s and 0s.

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