Sunday, 29 September 2019

Time Strategies

Procrastination - source

After reading 'how to build a realistic study plan that you'll actually stick to' by Amanda Collins, I feel confident that I can now create a better study plan that suits my timetable. 

I also read 'four questions to help you overcome procrastination' by Peter Banerjea. I realised that all the bad habits I have when it comes to approaching my uploads and assignments. I need to break up my workload into smaller, more manageable parts, as well as thinking about what my main priorities of my day are each day. I also definitely need to start thinking about relieving stress for my future self by working and uploading close to deadlines.

Class Technology

Image of technology - source

I see the blogs as useful tools and assets, we can learn from each other as we progress with our blogging. I am familiar with bookmarking and am aware of it's benefits in relation to this module. The only image editing tool I'm familiar with is Photoshop, so I'm looking forward to discovering more.

I have never heard of any of the graphics creation tools mentioned on the class website. I have used Padlet before in the past, but it was quite a long time ago so I'm happy to come back to it and learn more. I have never used Unity3D or WordPress before,

I find the class website and announcements blog useful, although I do have to remind myself to check these sorts of things. I will be creating a Google Docs account once I've finished with my college work for the day.

Reading Over the Assignment List

This is an image that came up when I typed 'meme' and 
I felt it was the most appropriate search result - source

Looking at the work we must do for this module, I can see a few things that I'm familiar with like reading, project work and giving project feedback. The things that are new to me are writing blog comments and using Unity3D. I'm excited to try coding my own games using Unity3D, but I fear that my coding skills aren't up to scratch . I guess I'll find out when I begin using the software.

I like the idea of extra credit and I also like the sound of the Tech Tasks (mainly because of the memes), learning more about Growth Mindset and Carol Dweck as I found it quite interesting, and partaking in extra commenting as I like to see how others are getting on with the same tasks. Hopefully, if I'm struggling a classmate could help me understand the task a bit better. The extra credit will be useful to for me if I miss uploads due to work, so I really appreciate it. A lot of the required and extra credit work in this module interest me and I'm excited to see where I will be by the end of the year.

Thursday, 26 September 2019

Exploring Growth Mindset

Growth Mindset - source

I had never heard of Carol Dweck or growth mindset before watching her TedxTalk. I clicked on the video and once she began speaking, I was interested. The more she spoke, the more what she was saying began to make sense. I found myself agreeing with her, but I would still like to see more studies on different age groups, and in different countries.

Carol Dweck - source

I agree with the mindset of understanding that a failure is just an obstacle that you haven't conquered yet and I think that I have that mindset when it comes to most things, but I also see parts of me that fall into the growth-fixed mindset. I believe I can achieve what I want if I put the effort and time into it but I'm not sure if that's related to growth mindset.

I think my biggest challenge when learning new things is asking for someone to re-explain something if I don't fully understand. Another challenge I face is allowing work to build up and waiting til the last minute, or close enough, to complete the work.

I find growth mindset interesting and I would like to learn more about it. It has given me a new reason to be interested in Shaun's module and I'm excited to learn more.

My goal for this year is to gain a good understanding of the topics in each module I encounter, I'm particularly excited for Digital Video Techniques as well as Documentary Film making in the second semester (but I may have a bias). I'm also excited for Group Projects but have the fear that what comes out of it won't be something I'm proud of.

Introduction to a Digital Media Student

me acting candid - this photo is my own property

My name is James Sandelance, I'm a 20 year old Creative Digital Media Student in TU Dublin Blachardstown. My hobbies include (but are not limited to):

  • Photography
  • Film
  • Travelling
  • Cooking
  • Attending Music Festivals
  • And, of course, Multimedia

I have just started my second year of my course and I'm excited for what is to come.
Lat year I mostly enjoyed Digital Photography, Studio Photography & Image Production and Storytelling and Narrative. Not to say that I didn't enjoy the other modules, but those were my favourites. This year I hope to improve my coding skills as I felt like due to workload, I didn't spend a fair amount of time trying to learn it. But this year there seems to be plenty of it to go around!

Like I said earlier, I enjoy cooking, I often cook dinner for the family as no one else in my house can cook very well (sorry not sorry dad). I like making Asian dishes and trying to come up with my own fusions. I like learning new things so I'm always trying out new recipes and tweaking them to my taste, unfortunately for my family I like spicy food and they do not, so some compromise is needed.

During the summer break I was lucky enough to travel to London with my dad and Berlin with 2 of my friends. I've always liked travelling and exploring new places, as well as learning about different cultures from around the world. I'm not the person to go on a drinking holiday with because you'll probably find me at the tourist information desk trying to find a museum or booking my friends on a bus tour.

My current career goals are limited as currently, I'm not very sure of what I would like to do, I have some ideas, maybe a designer, maybe a photographer. But sometimes  think, why can't I do it all, which is optimistic, but when it comes to practicality, I know it's impossible to actually do everything. I know that I'm in a course that is in the area of what I'd like to do, so I better make my mind up soon.

In this module I'd like to improve my coding skills, learn how to create a somewhat decent game, and learn some new things I didn't know before. I tend to go into things without expectations and allow for each topic to either excite me or terrify me beyond belief. Overall I'm optimistic about my Introduction to Multimedia module and can't wait to see where the year takes me.

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

My experience with workshop 1

Today, I participated in a workshop in my multimedia lecture. There was an exercise based around traffic lights, which I had never come across before. In the exercise we were asked to create a flow chart for how the traffic should move on a timed t junction, providing there are no buttons for pedestrian use. 

We had to work in groups of three and come up with a solution.
What I learned from the exercise is that if you don't overthink the solution, it could be that the answer is right in front of you. I also learned the value of working in a team, rather than trying to come up with your own solutions to a problem. It helped me to understand the exercise differently from what my initial idea for a solution was to what the correct one was.

When I walked into the 9am lecture, uncaffeinated, I was a bit skeptical of how this exercise would go down, but my lecturer made it enjoyable and basically forced us to break the ice with each other by making us work in groups, which I do see the benefits of. I am now speaking to students in my course that I have never spoken to, and making new friends just because of the workshop. 

I enjoyed working in a group, as I always do, as it helped to hear other students opinions and ideas for a solution to the exercise. I was a bit confused myself as to what the outcomes of the exercise were or would be, but I am glad that we were able to work in a group to come u with what we believed to be the correct answer.

To be honest I find this whole reflective writing thing a bit strange but therapeutic. It helps me to understand what I have done in class and seems to be improving my memory skills, so I am positive for what has to come.

Monday, 23 September 2019

My Favourite Game

Grand Theft Auto V

My favourite game of all time is GTA V. The game centres around 3 characters; Michael De Santa, Franklin Clinton and Trevor Phillips. The trio pull off heists, as well as being your average everyday criminals, in order to accumulate as much money as possible. 

The game allows you to change between the characters in order to help you complete different tasks needed to pull of the heists. 

The game also has side missions located around the map which are specific to each character and help to drive the story line. Money can be spent on weapons, cars or for purchasing businesses, which I am no stranger to in the game. 

After the final mission, you are free to spend your hard earned money freely, and explore the world for easter eggs which the creators hide for players to discover.

 I enjoy the open world that Rockstar provide with their fifth instalment of the video game series. And believe it to be an enjoyable game for anyone (provided they are over the age of 18!).

Test Post